
Should I leave the /.well-known/acme-challenge always exposed on the server? Here is my config for the HTTP:

server {
 listen 80;

 location '/.well-known/acme-challenge' {
    root        /var/www/demo;

 location / {
          if ($scheme = http) {
            return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;

Which basically redirects all the requests to https, except for the acme-challenge (for auto renewal). My question: Is it alright to keep location '/.well-known/acme-challenge' always exposed on port 80? Or better to comment/uncomment it manually, when need to reissue the certificate? Are there any security issues with that?

Any advise or links to read for about the this location appreciated. Thanks!


4 Answers


Acme challenge link only needed for verifying domain to this ip address


You do not need to keep the token available once your certificate has been signed. However, there is not much harm in leaving it available either, as explained by a Certbot engineer:

The token is part of a particular challenge which is no longer active, from the ACME server's point of view, after the server has tried to validate it. It would reveal a little bit of information about how you get certificates, but should not allow someone else to issue certificates for your site or impersonate you.


In case someone finds this helpful, I just asked my hosting customer support and they explained it as per following...

Yes, “well-known” folder is automatically created by cPanel in order to validate your domain for AutoSSL purposes. AutoSSL is an added feature of cPanel/WHM which offer you free SSL certificate for your domains, its also known as self-signed SSL certificate. The folder .well-known created while the time of the domain validation process as a part of AutoSSL installation

And it is not the file that needs to be removed, It does not cause any issue.


The period before the file name (.well-known) means it is a hidden directory. If your server gets hacked the information is available to the hacker.