I want to send a command by PIC12F1572 to another PIC12F1572 through UART and in that I want to send a function which will blink the LED on the slave PIC. I have done some code but I am somewhat confusing can anyone help me here? P.S- I am Using MPLAB X IDE v3.50
Master/Transmitter PIC12F1572:
#include <xc.h>
#include "main.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "TYPEDEF_Definitions.h"
#include "PIC_12_Timer0.h"
#include "PIC_12_UART.h"
#include "System_init.h"
#include "Pin_manager.h"
#include "LED.h"
#define _XTAL_FREQ 16000000
void main()
LATA = 0x00;
UART_Init(); //Initialize UART
// StartLedBlinkingWithColor(color);
TRISAbits.TRISA2 = 1; //make RA2 as input
while (1)
//LATAbits.LATA2 = 1;
uint8_t Var = 0x61;
//uint8_t Var = LATAbits.LATA2;
if(TXSTAbits.TRMT == 1)
UART_write(LED_Blink()); // is it possible?? or how it will be possible
// __delay_ms(1000);
LATAbits.LATA2 = 1;
void LED_Blink()
LATAbits.LATA2 = 1;
LATAbits.LATA5 = 1;
LATAbits.LATA2 = 0;
LATAbits.LATA5 = 0;
#include <xc.h>
#include "config.h"
#include "PIC_12F_GPIO.h"
#include "Led.h"
#include "Interruptmanage.h"
#include "PIC_12F_UART.h"
#include "PIC_12F_TIMER0.h"
#include "main.h"
void main( void)
uint8 data;
InitLeds(); // here I init GPIO pin..no prb here
// SetLedOff();
/*-------------R E C E I V E R*------------*/
while (1)
{ // Endless loop
if (UART_DataReady() ) // I get prob here ..
PORTA = UART_ReadOneByte(); // read the received data, [how can I receive my Led_Blink() function??
LATAbits.LATA2 = 1;
//LATAbits.LATA2 = data;