I am trying to use the summarize function within dplyr to calculate summary statistics using a two argument function that passes a table and field name from a connected database. Unfortunately as soon as I wrap the summarize function with another function the results aren't correct. The end table is a dataframe that does not iterate through each row. I'll show the input/output below:
Summary Statistics Function library(dplyr)
data<- group_by(.data = data,Species)
SummaryStatistics <- function(table, field){
table %>%
summarise(count = n(),
min = min(table[[field]], na.rm = T),
mean = mean(table[[field]], na.rm = T, trim=0.05),
median = median(table[[field]], na.rm = T))
SummaryStatistics(data, "Sepal.Length")
Output Table--Incorrect, it's just repeating the same calculation
Species count min mean median
1 setosa 50 4.3 5.820588 5.8
2 versicolor 50 4.3 5.820588 5.8
3 virginica 50 4.3 5.820588 5.8
Correct Table/Desired Outcome--This is what the table should look like. When I run the summarize function outsize of the wrapper function, this is what it produces.
Species count min mean median
1 setosa 50 4.3 5.002174 5.0
2 versicolor 50 4.9 5.934783 5.9
3 virginica 50 4.9 6.593478 6.5
I hope this is easy to understand. I just can't grasp as to why the summary statistics work perfectly outside of the wrapper function, but as soon as I pass arguments to it, it will calculate the same thing for each row. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Kev
might not know about the grouping factors being used in the calculation. So it would return the same summary for all rows. – jdobresdplyr
vignette on it for a better idea. – Jake Kaupp