I’m using NAudio and Lame Audio to Convert Wav to Mp3, I’m newbie too for this Audio Conversion code. Thanks to Mark I’m using his Audio File Inspector to get the details
Here is the details
Input - Wave Format details
Opening D:\Data\Test\NAudio\Wav\8777828760-e5749e4c563bf5411c954442085d1ce1@
DviAdpcm 8000Hz 2 channels 4 bits per sample
Extra Size: 2 Block Align: 512 Average Bytes Per Second: 8110
WaveFormat: DviAdpcm Length: 788808 bytes: 00:01:37.2640000
Chunk: fact, length 420 D9 0B 00
Output Mp3
Opening D:\Data\Test\NAudio\Mp3\8777828760-e5749e4c563bf5411c954442085d1ce1@
MP3 File WaveFormat: MpegLayer3 8000Hz 2 channels 0 bits per sample
Extra Size: 12 Block Align: 1 Average Bytes Per Second: 3000
ID: Mpeg Flags: PaddingIso Block Size: 216 Frames per Block: 1
Length: 3119616 bytes: 00:01:37.4880000
ID3v1 Tag: None
ID3v2 Tag: None
Version25,Layer3,8000Hz,JointStereo,24000bps, length 216 Version25,Layer3,8000Hz,JointStereo,24000bps, length 216
I’m Converting Wav to Mp3 ( voice recording files).
Question : I’m seeing some compromise in Mp3 Quality, My converted Mp3 is lower file size when compared to Wav, but my audio quality is little poor than Wav, Wonder if i can increase the quality of the Mp3 file ? Something like increasing the Bitrate etc.
Code for Wav to Mp3 conversation using NAudio / Lame Audio
string filePath = @"D:\Data\Test\NAudio\Wav\11mb.wav";
string outputPath = @"D:\Data\Test\NAudio\Mp3\11mb.mp3";
using (WaveFileReader wavReader = new WaveFileReader(filePath))
using (WaveStream pcm = WaveFormatConversionStream.CreatePcmStream(wavReader))
using (LameMP3FileWriter fileWriter = new LameMP3FileWriter(outputPath, pcm.WaveFormat, LAMEPreset.VBR_90))