I have the following 32-bit neon code that simply extracts an image:
extractY8ImageARM(unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, int left, int top, int width, int height, int stride)
from: pointer to the original image
to: pointer to the destination extracted image
left, top: position where to extract in the original image
width, height: size of the extracted image
stride: width of the original image
and here is the assembly code:
.arch armv7-a
.fpu neon
.type extractY8ImageARM, STT_FUNC
.global extractY8ImageARM
from .req r0
to .req r1
left .req r2
top .req r3
width .req r4
height .req r5
stride .req r6
tmp .req r7
push {r0-r7, lr}
//Let's get back the arguments
ldr width, [sp, #(9 * 4)]
ldr height, [sp, #(10 * 4)]
ldr stride, [sp, #(11 * 4)]
//Update the from pointer. Advance left + stride * top
add from, from, left
mul tmp, top, stride
add from, from, tmp
//We will copy width
mov tmp, width
//Read and store data
pld [from]
vld1.u8 { d0, d1, d2, d3 }, [from]!
pld [to]
vst1.u8 { d0, d1, d2, d3 }, [to]!
subs tmp, tmp, #32
bgt .loopH
//We advance the from pointer for the next line
add from, from, stride
sub from, from, width
subs height, height, #1
bgt .loopV
pop {r0-r7, pc}
.unreq from
.unreq to
.unreq left
.unreq top
.unreq width
.unreq height
.unreq stride
.unreq tmp
I need to port it to 64-bit neon. can anyone help me to do the translation? I have read this white paper http://malideveloper.arm.com/downloads/Porting%20to%20ARM%2064-bit.pdf so I understand more or less the differences.
My code is simple and it would be a good example how to pass arguments and load/store data in a 64-bit neon assembly file. I prefer to avoid intrinsic.