I am trying to understand how MFP JSONStore & HTTP adapters work. I downloaded the source code here. I followed the steps to build the app. I also deployed this adapter here. But when I tried to push the dirty data to the adapter, I got noting there. The adapter still logs undefined.
Here is the push function code:
function pushToAdapter(){
try {
WL.JSONStore.get(collectionName).push().then(function (res) {
if(Array.isArray(res) && res.length < 1){ // I changed this to res.length > 1
document.getElementById("resultsDiv").innerHTML = "Documents Pushed Successfuly";
} else {
document.getElementById("resultsDiv").innerHTML = "Failed To Push Documents to Adapter: "+ res[0].errorObject;
}).fail(function (errorObject) {
} catch (e) {
alert("Failed To Push Documents to Adapter");
& this is the adapter code:
function pushPeople(data) {
MFP.Logger.debug('Adapter: JSONStoreAdapter, procedure: pushPeople called.');
MFP.Logger.debug('Got data from JSONStore to ADD: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); //always undefined
function addPerson(data) {
MFP.Logger.debug('Adapter: JSONStoreAdapter, procedure: addPerson called.');
MFP.Logger.debug('Got data from JSONStore to ADD: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); //always undefined
function removePerson(data) {
MFP.Logger.debug('Adapter: JSONStoreAdapter, procedure: removePerson called.');
MFP.Logger.debug('Got data from JSONStore to REMOVE: ' + JSON.stringify(data)); //always undefined
Please note that I am using a patched version of cordova-plugin-mfp-jsonstore. It is the same as this version except for lines 5238 (as follows):
resourceRequest = new WLResourceRequest('adapters/' + invocationData.adapter + '/' + invocationData.procedure, WLResourceRequest.POST);
resourceRequest.setHeader('Content-Type','application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); //patched version
resourceRequest.send().then(ipOpts.onSuccess, ipOpts.onFailure);
MFP.Logger I Adapter: JSONStoreAdapter, procedure: addPerson called. MFP.Logger I Got data from JSONStore to ADD: undefined
I am wondering, where is the data get sent to the adapter? I meaninvocationData.parameters
(line 5224 injsonstore.js
) is never used anywhere!. AlsoresourceRequest.send()
is parameterless!. May this be the cause for receiving nothing in the adapter? – user1040987