I am trying to create my own gui app using PyQT(5 i guess). Well, mainwindow consists of menubar, statusbar and central widget. Central widget is QTabWidget. In each tab there is it's own workplace widget.
the program itself allows to create a pipline of OpenFOAM stages, set the options for each process and launch it. It's all is to be made in one widget that is the only widget in a tab.
The problem i encountered is connected to QLayout. I am using QHBoxLayouts and QVBoxLayouts combination on each step of launching the task. When I make initial self.setLayout(somelayout1)
it works fine. But as i make next steps in different methods of this widget's class self.setLayout(somelayout2)
, self.setLayout(somelayout3)
and so on, the new layout becomes being drawn on the top of all the previous layouts. More than this: all the layers' parts of previous layouts that not covered by new one are remain active!
haven't found any working method for disabling old layout of the widget, or better: removing it. Already tried even creating a layout container of 1 element and influencing it with self.layout().removeItem(0)
and self.layout().setLayout(newlayout)
(or .inserLayout(newlayout)
, but there is no difference.
Is there any working method to change the layout of the widget without appearing the old one on a backside?
thanks for any help.
p.s.: self.setStyleSheet("QWidget { background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255) }")
neither QObjectCleanupHandler().add(self.layout())
both make no effect.
there. But still can't get rid of old layouts on the gui itself. mystery. – Amphyby