
I wrote a SplitApp with a master and six detail views. Each detail view has it's own data model. The data is loaded in the onInit method of each controller. I'm just trying to improve the performance of the application. Is there a way to load only the initial detail view and it's data on startup and the other only on request?

How do you load the detail views?matbtt

2 Answers


Thanks for the advise! The problem was that i defined all detail views in the XML-View inside the tag, like this:

<SplitApp   mode="ShowHideMode" height="auto" >
<mvc:XMLView viewName="de.test.view.Master"  />
<mvc:XMLView viewName="de.test.view.Detail01"  />
<mvc:XMLView viewName="de.test.view.Detail02"  />
<mvc:XMLView viewName="de.test.view.Detail03"  />

Now i load each detail-view when it is requested for the first time and make use of the addDetailPage function of the SplitApp control.