
I have an API that takes an Observable that triggers an event.

I want to return an Observable that emits a value every defaultDelay seconds if an Internet connection is detected, and delays numberOfFailedAttempts^2 times if there's no connection.

I've tried a bunch of various styles, the biggest problem I'm having is retryWhen's observable is only evaluated once:

    .repeatWhen((observable) ->
         observable.concatMap(repeatObservable -> {
                 consecutiveRetries = 0;
                 return observable;
             } else {
                 int backoffDelay = (int)Math.pow(consecutiveRetries,2);
                 return observable.delay(backoffDelay, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

Is there any way to do what I'm attempting to do? I found a related question (can't find it searching right now), but the approach taken didn't seem to work with a dynamic value.


3 Answers


In your code there are two mistakes:

  1. In order to repeat some observable sequence, that sequence has to be finite. I.e. instead of interval you'd better use something like just, or fromCallable as I did in sample below.
  2. From repeatWhen's inner function you need to return new delayed observable source, so instead of observable.delay() you have to return Observable.timer().

Working code:

public void testRepeat() throws InterruptedException {
    logger.info("test start");

    int DEFAULT_DELAY = 100; // ms
    int ADDITIONAL_DELAY = 100; // ms
    AtomicInteger generator = new AtomicInteger(0);
    AtomicBoolean connectionAlive = new AtomicBoolean(true); // initially alive

    Disposable subscription = Observable.fromCallable(generator::incrementAndGet)
            .repeatWhen(counts -> {
                AtomicInteger retryCounter = new AtomicInteger(0);
                return counts.flatMap(c -> {
                    int retry = 0;
                    if (connectionAlive.get()) {
                        retryCounter.set(0); // reset counter
                    } else {
                        retry = retryCounter.incrementAndGet();
                    int additionalDelay = ADDITIONAL_DELAY * (int) Math.pow(retry, 2);
                    logger.info("retry={}, additionalDelay={}ms", retry, additionalDelay);
                    return Observable.timer(DEFAULT_DELAY + additionalDelay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS);
            .subscribe(v -> logger.info("got {}", v));

    logger.info("connection dropped");
    logger.info("connection is back alive");
    logger.info("test complete");

See detailed article about repeatWhen here.


I've always found retryWhen to be somewhat low-level so for exponential backoff I use a a builder (like Abhijit) that is unit tested and available for RxJava 1.x at rxjava-extras. I'd suggest using a capped version so that the exponential increase of delay won't go beyond a maximum value you define.

This is how you use it:

        delay, maxDelay, TimeUNIT.SECONDS)

I disagree that retryWhen is buggy but if you find a bug report it to RxJava. Bugs are fixed fast!

You'll need rxjava-extras or later which is on Maven Central:


Let me know if you need the RxJava 2.x version. The same functionality is available in rxjava2-extras from 0.1.4.


You can use the retryWhen operator to configure the delay when there's no connection. How to periodically emit items is a separate topic (look up interval or timer operators). Open a separate question if you can't figure it out.

I've an extensive example on my Github, but I'll give you the gist here.

RetryWithDelay retryWithDelay = RetryWithDelay.builder()

Single.fromCallable(() -> {
.subscribe(j -> {

RetryWithDelay is defined as follows. I used RxJava 2.x, so if you're using 1.x, the signature should be Func1<Observable<? extends Throwable>, Observable<Object>>.

public class RetryWithDelay implements
        Function<Flowable<? extends Throwable>, Publisher<Object>> {

RetryWithDelay class.

RetryStrategy enum.

This allows me to configure various sorts of timeouts, constant, linear, exponential, based on the RetryDelayStrategy. For your use case, you'd choose CONSTANT_DELAY_TIMES_RETRY_COUNT delay strategy and call retryDelaySeconds(2) when building RetryWithDelay.

retryWhen is a complicated, perhaps even buggy, operator. Most examples you'll find online use the range operator, which will fail if there are no retries to be made. See my answer here for details.