I'm using the ag-grid-react component, and I'd like to be able to change the column headings in my grid in response to events within my React component. I can see that the column API has a getDisplayNameForColumn() function, but I can't find an equivalent setting function to allow me to change the column heading.
I store the grid column definitions array in my React component's state, and I thought that simply by updating the definitions array in the state that the component would automatically be refreshed by the React framework, and that my new column headings would be displayed; however, this doesn't happen and the original headings remain in place.
Is it possible to change column headings after the grid has been initialized and displayed? I've copied the code for my React component below.
import React, { Component } from 'react'
import { Page, Header, Title, Button, Content } from '@cdkglobal/react-jqm'
import StatusBar from '@cdkglobal/react-jqm-statusbar'
import StandardColsList from './StandardColsList'
import { AgGridReact } from 'ag-grid-react'
import { APP_TITLE } from '../constants'
import 'ag-grid/dist/styles/ag-grid.css';
import 'ag-grid/dist/styles/theme-fresh.css';
export default class DatasetPage extends Component {
static propTypes = {
onClickBack: React.PropTypes.func,
onClickSave: React.PropTypes.func,
dataset: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired,
uploaditem: React.PropTypes.object.isRequired,
stdcolumns: React.PropTypes.array
static defaultProps = {
dataset: []
state = {
gridApi: {},
columnApi: {},
columnDefs: [],
displaystdcols: false,
selectedcol: -1
componentDidMount() {
if (this.props.onInit) {
this.setState({ columnDefs: this.buildColumns(this.props.dataset[0]) })
buildColumns(sampleRow) {
// Build a columns definition array for the React data grid component
let columns = []
let colIndex = 0
for (let column in sampleRow) {
let columnDef = {
colId: colIndex,
field: column,
headerName: column,
minWidth: '80px',
stdcolIndex: -1
return columns
onGridReady(params) {
this.setState({ gridApi: params.api })
this.setState({ columnApi: params.columnApi })
render() {
const columnDefs = this.state.columnDefs
const agDivStyle = {
height: '500px'
const onCellClicked = (event) => {
// Set the selected column index
this.setState({ selectedcol: event.colDef.colId })
// Display the standard columns popup
this.setState({ displaystdcols: true })
const onSaveColMapping = (selectedStdCol) => {
// Save the column mapping
const columnApi = this.state.columnApi
const column = columnApi.getColumn(this.state.selectedcol)
if (selectedStdCol > -1) {
// Update the column definition for the selected column
let columnDefs = this.state.columnDefs
columnDefs[this.state.selectedcol].stdcolIndex = selectedStdCol
columnDefs[this.state.selectedcol].headerName = this.props.stdcolumns[selectedStdCol].description
this.setState({ columnDefs: columnDefs })
column.colDef.headerName = this.props.stdcolumns[selectedStdCol].description
column.colDef.stdcolIndex = selectedStdCol
// Now refresh the grid
// columnApi.setColumnState(columnDefs)
// Hide the standard columns popup
this.setState({ displaystdcols: false })
const onClosePopup = () => {
this.setState({ displaystdcols: false })
let stdcolspopup
if (this.state.displaystdcols) {
stdcolspopup = (
<StandardColsList standardcols={this.props.stdcolumns} selectedcoldef={this.state.columnDefs[this.state.selectedcol]} onClickOK={onSaveColMapping} onClickCancel={onClosePopup} />
return (
<Button icon="carat-l" corners shadow pos="left" alt={false} onClick={this.props.onClickBack}>Back</Button>
<Button primary corners shadow pos="right" icon="plus" alt={false} onClick={this.props.onClickSave}>Save</Button>
<StatusBar name={this.props.uploaditem.uploadfile} />
<Content className="has-status-bar">
<div className="ag-fresh" style={agDivStyle}>
// listen for events with React callbacks
// onRowSelected={this.onRowSelected.bind(this)}
// binding to properties within React State or Props
// showToolPanel={this.state.showToolPanel}
// quickFilterText={this.state.quickFilterText}
// icons={this.state.icons}
// column definitions and row data are immutable, the grid
// will update when these lists change
// or provide props the old way with no binding