
I have a voluminous database with several data types, e.g.:

  • A date of birth variable in format dd / mm / yyyy
  • A variable date of meeting with the subject in format dd / mm / yyyy

I have to create a new variable giving me the age of the subject in years at the time of the meeting (based on 365.25 days per year)

Each of the two variables, POSIXlt [1: 1],

format: NA to the function str ()

How can I solve this problem?

We can't really help here unless you tell us what the database is - a CSV file, a SQL database? Have you already read it into R? How? Can you show us the first few rows? Show us the output of summary() on your data? That would help!Spacedman
Convert the two dates to julian. Subtract them. Then divide by 365.25Marichyasana

1 Answers


Try this:

d1 = as.Date("20/11/2016", format="%d/%m/%Y")
d2 = as.Date("13/01/1995", format="%d/%m/%Y")
d3 = as.numeric(difftime(d1,d2),unit="days")
d4 = d3/365.25

Output: 21.85352