I have implemented web chat using xmpp + openfire + strophe. On the same openfire and xmpp server we have developed IOS chat as well.
I am facing below problem.
Lets say a user A connected in xmpp in IOS app and user A chat with user B. Now same user A connect with web chat to xmpp using strophe and user B sends the message to user A then User A will have message in the web chat connection only.
Now user A connect with xmpp in IOS and User B send message then User A will get message in IOS app only, not in web chat.
Is it possible then user A will have message at all the connections which are created?
Does it possible a User will have multiple xmpp connections and all the connections are able to send message to another user and able to get messages at all the connections of the user?
Can you please help me to solve this issue in Strophe Js and IOS?