What are all the possible sizes for images?
Essentially, how do I get a list of images that have been "attached" to the page? I am trying to create my own image gallery since the default gallery is limited. Does that mean I should create my own widget that extends 'apostrophe-images-widgets'?
So once I do that, and add the widget to a page, and add images, how do I get the list of images? I want to get a thumbnail size, and a larger size of the image to be placed in a modal? What are all the possible sizes available?
Here is the code to show the default image gallery that ships with Apostrophe:
{%- for entry in data.widget._pieces -%}
{%- set image = entry.item or entry -%}
{%- set relationship = entry.relationship -%}
<div data-slideshow-item class="apos-slideshow-item{% if loop.first %} apos-current{% endif %}{% block itemClass %}{% endblock %}" style="background-image: url({{ apos.attachments.url(image.attachment, { size: data.options.size, crop: relationship }) }})">
{%- block title -%}
<h4>{{ image.title }}</h4>
{%- endblock -%}
<img data-image src="{% block imgSrc %}{{ apos.attachments.url(image.attachment, { size: data.options.size, crop: relationship }) }}{% endblock %}"/>
{%- endfor -%}
Here is the documentation for apostrophe-assets: http://apostrophecms.org/docs/modules/apostrophe-assets/index.html
The documentation notes a few possible sizes, but it feels incomplete. I am not following how to request multiple URLs for multiple sizes of a single asset.