
I have a build machine setup with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and sonnarqube msbuild scanner On the sonar server side (6.2), I have c# plug-in version

Upon analysing projects, some code smells are not found in the c# files.

I have verified that :

  • Sonar project is using appropriate quality profile.
  • Quality profile contains the rule and said rule is correcly activated.

I have deleted the whole project in sonarqube and re-run the analysis multiple times. For example in a particular .cs file I have the comment density code smell working correcly. However, the rule about handling TODO (s1135) is not working even though I have multiple TODO in the file. Same goes for the rule "Boolean checks should not be inverted" (S1940) that I introduced in the code for testing purpose.

What could cause those issues to not be reported?

Does this happen with test projects? Or files whose paths contain test?Tamas
Surely your question should be addressed to the technical support team of the company that you purchased the software from.Eric Lippert
Tamas, here is the full path of item being tested; Demo - Analyse de code>Application.Affaires>CompteBancaire.cs. Should not match any test filter.P Gagnon
Eric, Sonarqube is mostly free, open source software. Thanks.P Gagnon
@PGagnon: Well then, fire up the debugger and find out why it doesn't work!Eric Lippert

1 Answers


I have moved everything to a new build server. Using the same setup and project, all the issues are now correctly reported.