
I'm facing some problem while building on travis my Symfony 3.2 project. After downloading all dependencies it gives me the following error message:

Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache Could not open input file: app/console Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::clearCache

handling the symfony-scripts event terminated with an exception

And I get a RuntimeException:

An error occurred when executing the "'cache:clear --no-warmup'" command:
Could not open input file: app/console

Here is the full Job Log.

and the configuration:

  "language": "php",
  "php": "7.0",
  "before_script": [
    "composer install"
  "global_env": "SOURCE_DIR=src VHOST_FILE=.travis.vhost",
  "group": "stable",
  "dist": "precise",
  "os": "linux"
Isn't it bin/console instead of app/console since Symfony 3.x?Veve
Yes, but for some reason travis keeps looking under app directory. The current fix I'm using is to copy the console into the app directory.user6373874

1 Answers


Maybe you deleted your var directory or you don't have .gitkeep files in it. It is a known issue :


Try to create .gitkeepfiles for in your var/cache, var/logs and var/sessions directories.

This could resolve the problem