Im having a strange issue with trying to use ngFor and ngIf in a template tag. Im trying to display a label title inside an Analyst object like so:
The Analyst Object:
class Analyst {
private _properties = {labels: [{title:'a'}]};
get labels() {
return this._properties.labels;
set labels(labels:Array<string>) {
this._properties.labels = labels;
The component template:
<div *ngFor="let analyst of analysts; let i = index">
<h2>Analyst {{i}}</h2>
<template ngFor let-label [ngForOf]="analyst.labels"
[ngIf]="analyst.labels.length > 0">
I keep getting an error
cannot read property 'title' of undefined
The error disappears in the following cases:
- When removing the [ngIf]
- When using json pipe instead of title attribute {{label| json}}. The json string that is printed to the screen includes the title attribute.
A link to the full code in plunker
Can anyone please explain why this is happening?