The #pragma omp parallel for requires that the loop variable is an integer. So what happens if the loop variable is not an integer, as in this example?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#define START (M_PI/2)
#define END (M_PI*2)
double f(double x)
{ return sin(x/2)+1;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ double total = 0, x;
int partitions;
double slice;
printf("How many partitions? "); fflush(stdout);
scanf("%d", &partitions);
slice = (END-START)/partitions;
for (x = START + (slice/2); x < END; x = x + slice)
total = total + f(x);
total = total * slice;
printf("The integration is %1.20f\n", total);
How to convert this program into an OpenMP? Thanks
for (x = START + (slice/2); x < END; x = x + slice)
may iterate +/- 1 more iterations than expected. – chux - Reinstate Monica