I found Tom Davis' article, "Catalan Numbers," very helpful in explaining one recursive method for defining the Catalan Numbers. I'll try to explain it myself (in part, to see how much of it I've understood) as it may be applied to finding the set of all unique arrangements of N
matched parentheses (e.g., 1 (); 2 ()(), (()); etc. ).
For N > 1
let (A)B
represent one arrangement of N
matched parentheses, where A
and B
each have only balanced sets of parentheses. Then we know that if A
contains k
matched sets, B
must have the other N - k - 1
, where 0 <= k <= N - 1
In the following example, a dot means the group has zero sets of parentheses:
C_0 => .
C_1 => (.)
To enumerate C_2
, we arrange C_1
as AB
in all ways and place the second parentheses around A
. () = AB = C_0C_1 => (.)()
() . = AB = C_1C_0 => (()) .
Now for C_3
, we have three partitions for N - 1
, each with its own combinations: C_0C_2, C_1C_1, C_2C_0
C_0C_2 = AB = . ()() and . (()) => ()()(), ()(())
C_1C_1 = AB = ()() => (())()
C_2C_0 = AB = ()() . and (()) . => (()()), ((()))
We can code this method by keeping a set for each N
and iterating over the combinations for each partition. We'll keep the individual arrangements as bits: 0 for left and 1 for right (this appears backwards when cast as a binary string).
def catalan
Enumerator.new do |y|
# the zero here represents none rather than left
s = [[0],[2]]
y << [0]
y << [2]
i = 2
while true
s[i] = []
(0..i - 1).each do |k|
as = s[k]
bs = s[i - k - 1]
as.each do |a|
bs.each do |b|
if a != 0
s[i] << ((b << (2*k + 2)) | (1 << (2*k + 1)) | (a << 1))
s[i] << (2 | (b << 2))
end # bs
end # as
end # k
i = i + 1
end # i
end # enumerator
# => [[0], [2], [10, 12], [42, 50, 44, 52, 56]]
The yielder is lazy: although the list is infinite, we can generate as little as we like (using .take for example):
catalan.take(4).last.map{|x| x.to_s(2)}
# => ["101010", "110010", "101100", "110100", "111000"]
The former generation obliges us to keep all previous sets in order to issue the next. Alternatively, we can build a requested set through a more organic type, meandering recursion. This next version yields each arrangement to the block, so we can type:
|x| (0..7).reduce(""){
|y,i| if x[i] == 0 then y + "(" else y + ")" end
# => ["(((())))", "((()()))", "((())())", "((()))()", "(()(()))", "(()()())",
# "(()())()", "(())(())", "(())()()", "()((()))", "()(()())", "()(())()",
# "()()(())", "()()()()"]
Direct generation:
def catalan(n)
Enumerator.new do |y|
s = [[0,0,0]]
until s.empty?
left,right,result = s.pop
if left + right == 2 * n
y << yield(result)
if right < left
s << [left, right + 1, result | 1 << (left + right)]
if left < n
s << [left + 1, right, result]
will not include"(())(())"
. – ruakh