You can't use declarations for validate.js
from DefinitelyTyped alone because there is not a single top-level export
in it - they just declare some interfaces inside ValidateJS
And you can't use bundled declarations for validate.js
, at least for node (module=commonjs
), because they use default export instead of export =
So you have to provide your own declarations in order to import validate.js
create file validate.d.ts:
declare var validate: (attributes: any, constraints: any, options?: any) => any;
export = validate;
And tell typescript to use it instead of the one in node_modules
using paths in tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"baseUrl": ".", // This must be specified if "paths" is.
"paths": {
"validate.js": ["./validate.d.ts"]
(Note that you must have baseUrl
if you have paths
, so set "baseUrl" : "."
if you don't have it set to something else already)
Then you can use it like this (ValidateJS.Constraints
and others are available immediately as soon as you npm install @types/validate.js
import validate = require('validate.js');
let constraints: ValidateJS.Constraints = {
'foo': {presence: true}
let e = validate({}, constraints);
{ foo: [ 'Foo can\'t be blank' ] }