I know there are many similar questions for this issue, such as this one, but I can't seem to figure out what is going wrong in my program.
I am attempting to create a unit sphere using the naive longitude/latitude method, then I attempt to wrap a texture around the sphere using UV coordinates.
I am seeing the classic vertical seam issue, but I'm also some strangeness at both poles.
The images are from a sphere with 180 stacks and 360 slices.
I create it as follows.
First, here are a couple of convenience structures I'm using...
struct Point {
float x;
float y;
float z;
float u;
float v;
struct Quad {
Point lower_left; // Lower left corner of quad
Point lower_right; // Lower right corner of quad
Point upper_left; // Upper left corner of quad
Point upper_right; // Upper right corner of quad
I first specify a sphere which is '_stacks' high and '_slices' wide.
float* Sphere::generate_glTriangle_array(int& num_elements) const
int elements_per_point = 5; //xyzuv
int points_per_triangle = 3;
int triangles_per_mesh = _stacks * _slices * 2; // 2 triangles makes a quad
num_elements = triangles_per_mesh * points_per_triangle * elements_per_point;
float *buff = new float[num_elements];
int i = 0;
Quad q;
for (int stack=0; stack<_stacks; ++stack)
for (int slice=0; slice<_slices; ++slice)
q = generate_sphere_quad(stack, slice);
load_quad_into_array(q, buff, i);
return buff;
Quad Sphere::generate_sphere_quad(int stack, int slice) const
Quad q;
std::cout << "Stack " << stack << ", Slice: " << slice << std::endl;
std::cout << " Lower left...";
q.lower_left = generate_sphere_coord(stack, slice);
std::cout << " Lower right...";
q.lower_right = generate_sphere_coord(stack, slice+1);
std::cout << " Upper left...";
q.upper_left = generate_sphere_coord(stack+1, slice);
std::cout << " Upper right...";
q.upper_right = generate_sphere_coord(stack+1, slice+1);
std::cout << std::endl;
return q;
Point Sphere::generate_sphere_coord(int stack, int slice) const
Point p;
p.y = 2.0 * stack / _stacks - 1.0;
float r = sqrt(1 - p.y * p.y);
float angle = 2.0 * M_PI * slice / _slices;
p.x = r * sin(angle);
p.z = r * cos(angle);
p.u = (0.5 + ( (atan2(p.z, p.x)) / (2 * M_PI) ));
p.v = (0.5 + ( (asin(p.y)) / M_PI ));
std::cout << " Point: (x: " << p.x << ", y: " << p.y << ", z: " << p.z << ") [u: " << p.u << ", v: " << p.v << "]" << std::endl;
return p;
I then load my array, specifying vertices of two CCW triangles for each Quad...
void Sphere::load_quad_into_array(const Quad& q, float* buff, int& buff_idx, bool counter_clockwise=true)
if (counter_clockwise)
// First triangle
load_point_into_array(q.lower_left, buff, buff_idx);
load_point_into_array(q.upper_right, buff, buff_idx);
load_point_into_array(q.upper_left, buff, buff_idx);
// Second triangle
load_point_into_array(q.lower_left, buff, buff_idx);
load_point_into_array(q.lower_right, buff, buff_idx);
load_point_into_array(q.upper_right, buff, buff_idx);
// First triangle
load_point_into_array(q.lower_left, buff, buff_idx);
load_point_into_array(q.upper_left, buff, buff_idx);
load_point_into_array(q.upper_right, buff, buff_idx);
// Second triangle
load_point_into_array(q.lower_left, buff, buff_idx);
load_point_into_array(q.upper_right, buff, buff_idx);
load_point_into_array(q.lower_right, buff, buff_idx);
void Sphere::load_point_into_array(const Point& p, float* buff, int& buff_idx)
buff[buff_idx++] = p.x;
buff[buff_idx++] = p.y;
buff[buff_idx++] = p.z;
buff[buff_idx++] = p.u;
buff[buff_idx++] = p.v;
My vertex and fragment shaders are simple...
// Vertex shader
#version 450 core
in vec3 vert;
in vec2 texcoord;
uniform mat4 matrix;
vec2 i_texcoord;
} tex_data;
void main(void) {
tex_data.i_texcoord = texcoord;
gl_Position = matrix * vec4(vert, 1.0);
// Fragment shader
#version 450 core
vec2 i_texcoord;
layout (binding=1) uniform sampler2D tex_id;
out vec4 color;
void main(void) {
color = texture(tex_id, texcoord);
My draw command is:
glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLES, 0, num_elements/5);
instead ofGL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
and or screwed coordinates somewhere. – Spektre