
I created DB Instance (MySQL) with Publicly Accessible option. In DB Security group, I opened MySQL Port for EC2 instance security group(Web server). In EC2 security group it allows ssh, web server ports. I can able to connect DB Instance from EC2 instance. I deployed web app on web server and it can't able to connect with RDS Instance.

I am getting the exception in my local web server:

org.springframework.jdbc.CannotGetJdbcConnectionException: Could not get JDBC Connection; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Server connection failure during transaction. Due to underlying exception: 'java.net.UnknownHostException: "kbawstry2.cdhtaamn5ynq.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com"'.

EC2 Security Group EC2 Security Group

DBInstance Security Group DBInstance Security Group

Using MySQL WorkBench, I can connect to RDS DB Instance using TCP/IP SSH Tunnelling option. But in Java Programming How can I connect with database?

Thanks in advance.

can you also tell the outbound rule for your ec2 instance security group?user156327
All traffic are opened in outbound both in EC2 Security group and DB Instance Security Group.Kumaresh Babu N S
What DNS server is configured for the EC2 instance?Alexander Yanyshin
Really, I don't know. I installed and configure apache-tomcat 7 for deploying web apps.Kumaresh Babu N S
@KumareshBabu Could you share the code, where DB connection code is written ?user156327

1 Answers


Finally I solved the issue. The problem is in application the way I mentioned connection string. I rectified and tested application in localhost then updated to tomcat server in EC2 instance. Another change in DB Security Group. I replaced source ip as EC2 instance's private IP address as both RDS and EC2 Instance are in same VPC.

Now It is working fine.