
I have inertial measurement unit sensors that can output data in either quaternions or Euler angles. As a biomechanist, Euler angles make more sense to me, but I sorta understand quaternions as well, but I've never really studied them. I do have a math background, so I'm not completely lost and I understand the Gimbal lock effect in Euler Angles.

I'm looking to calculate angles between two vectors whether they're quaternions or Euler angles, specifically on a human subject. I basically want to find the axis of rotations and calculate the difference in angles in the three basic components (x,y,z), and it seems incredibly unlikely that a person would be able to contort their body and reach Gimbal-lock.

I've read this paper and it seems like the way you choose to approach a rotation (x->y->z gets you to the same point as x->z->y but are different paths in terms of angles taken) is where Gimbal-lock comes into play, but the proposed XZ'Y'' sequence seems to avoid Gimbal-lock altogether.

I've read that quaternions are simply easier for computers to calculate which is where I would like to keep using quaternions since I am using a Pi, but I just don't quite fully understand how to go from quaternions to your basic x,y,z components. So I guess my questions are:

  1. Are quaternions necessary for human movement?
  2. Would maintaining numbers in quaternions until the very final angle calculations and converting to Euler angle in the last step avoid Gimbal lock?

1 Answers


Basically, you have 2 main options to work e.g. with a skeleton.

  • Use 4x4 matrix (which allows rotation and translation)
  • Use (unit) quaternions for rotation and offsets for translation.

If you look at a typical implementation of a function taking 2 vectors and returning a quaternion, giving the rotation between them, you will see that it is not just a simple formula. Edge cases are being identified and taken care of.

let rotFromVectors (v1 : vec3) (v2 : vec3) : quat =
    let PI = System.Math.PI
    let PI_BY_TWO = PI / 2.0
    let TWO_PI = 2.0 * PI
    let ZERO_ROTATION = quat(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f,1.0f)
    let aabb = sqrt (float (vec3.dot(v1, v1)) * float (vec3.dot(v2,v2)))
    if aabb <> 0.0
        let ab = float (vec3.dot(v1,v2)) / aabb
        let c = 
                ( float32 ((float v1.y * float v2.z - float v1.z * float v2.y) / aabb)
                , float32 ((float v1.z * float v2.x - float v1.x * float v2.z) / aabb)
                , float32 ((float v1.x * float v2.y - float v1.y * float v2.x) / aabb)
        let cc = float (vec3.dot(c, c))
        if cc <> 0.0
            let s =
                match ab > -sin (PI_BY_TWO) with //0.707107f
                | true -> 1.0 + ab
                | false -> cc / (1.0 + sqrt (1.0-cc))
            let m = sqrt (cc + s * s)
            quat(float32 (float c.x / m), float32 (float c.y / m), float32 (float c.z / m), float32(s / m))
            if ab > 0.0
                let m = sqrt (v1.x * v1.x + v1.y * v1.y)
                if(m <> 0.0f)
                    quat(v1.y / m, (-v1.x) / m, 0.0f, 0.0f)

Where quat is the type for a quaternion and vec3 the type of a 3D vector in the code above.

The code to rotate a vector by a quaternion is just about as straightforward as the math suggests:

let rotateVector (alpha : quat) (v:vec3) : vec3 =
    let s = vec3.length v
    quat.inverse alpha * (vecToPureQuat v) * alpha |> pureQuatToVec |> fun v' -> v' * s

And last not least the conversion functions between (some... Euler angles - there are actually 24 different versions of Euler angles, 12 with fixed angle rotations and 12 with consecutive rotations) uses the half angle approach.

let eulerToRot (v:vec3) : quat =
    let d = 0.5F
    let t0 = cos (v.z * d)
    let t1 = sin (v.z * d)
    let t2 = cos (v.y * d)
    let t3 = sin (v.y * d)
    let t4 = cos (v.x * d)
    let t5 = sin (v.x * d)
        (   t0 * t3 * t4 - t1 * t2 * t5
        ,   t0 * t2 * t5 + t1 * t3 * t4
        ,   t1 * t2 * t4 - t0 * t3 * t5
        ,   t0 * t2 * t4 + t1 * t3 * t5
    |> quat.normalize

let rotToEuler (q:quat) : vec3 =
    let ysqr = q.y * q.y
    // roll (x-axis rotation)
    let t0 = +2.0f * (q.w * q.x + q.y * q.z)
    let t1 = +1.0f - 2.0f * (q.x * q.x + ysqr)
    let roll = atan2 t0 t1

    // pitch (y-axis rotation)
    let t2 = 
        let t2' = +2.0f * (q.w * q.y - q.z * q.x)
        match t2' with
        | _ when t2' > 1.0f -> 1.0f
        | _ when t2' < -1.0f -> -1.0f
        | _ -> t2'
    let pitch = asin t2

    // yaw (z-axis rotation)
    let t3 = +2.0f * (q.w * q.z + q.x *q.y)
    let t4 = +1.0f - 2.0f * (ysqr + q.z * q.z)
    let yaw = atan2 t3 t4

The final trick to know is, that to turn a vector into a (pure) quaternion comes in handy for the rotateVector function.

let vecToPureQuat (v:vec3) : quat =

let pureQuatToVec (q:quat) : vec3 =

So, to answer your main question: Are quaternions necessary? No. You can as well use 4x4 matrices.

And you can go from one to the other if it deems you useful:

    let offsetAndRotToMat (offset:vec3) (q:quat) : mat4 =
        let ux = v3 1 0 0
        let uy = v3 0 1 0
        let uz = v3 0 0 1
        let rx = rotateVector q ux 
        let ry = rotateVector q uy 
        let rz = rotateVector q uz 
                rx.x, rx.y, rx.z, 0.0f,
                ry.x, ry.y, ry.z, 0.0f,
                rz.x, rz.y, rz.z, 0.0f,