Sorry for the simple question. I am learning to use JSF 2.2 to create a form and trying to keep it close to plain HTML5 as possible. I have an ui:repeat generated list that goes like this:
<ul id="nameLst">
<ui:repeat var="d" value="#{controller.names}" varStatus="status">
type="hidden" />#{d}
It gets rendered like this:
<ul id="nameLst">
<input id="j_idt14:0:nameTxt" name="j_idt14:0:nameTxt" value="Name1" type="hidden">
<input id="j_idt14:1:nameTxt" name="j_idt14:1:nameTxt" value="Name2" type="hidden">
Now, I am trying to add names using JavaScript only to this list. Problem is, how can I control this generated id, so I can use it in JavaScript. And mainly, if the list starts empty, how do I generate this id so it can be correctly posted back to the managed bean.