
in an ionic2 project with angularfire2 + firebase I am trying to transform the data out of the firebase table into something usable in the .ts file.

that works:

in .ts

this.list = af.database.list('/items');

in html

*ngFor="let item of list | async"

This give me all objects to use with {{item.val}} However, I want to use this data directly in the script instead of viewing so I am trying to access it by variables with subscribe in typescript. this is the current approach and

that doesnt work:

this.af.database.list('/items/', { preserveSnapshot: true } )
  .subscribe(snapshots => 
    snapshots.forEach(snapshot => 
      if ( !someList.some(x=>x==snapshot.key) ) 

          this.af.database.object('/items/'+snapshot.key, { preserveSnapshot: true } ) 
          .subscribe( item => 


It logs [object Object] for each item in the console.

I dont get how I get to the content of either [object Object] returned by the observables without touching html, best case as easy as item.value?

I found some examples with .map which returns for me TypeError: item.map is not a function.

How to get to the content of those objects?

Any help or hints to test are appreciated Thank you

If you are not binding the data to the UI, I'd recommend simply accessing it with the bare Firebase JavaScript SDK: firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/startFrank van Puffelen

1 Answers


actually using map works for me now; it has to be cast on the list and not the object.