
How do I use the Rally UI or Excel "CA Agile Central" add-in to get the initiative, feature and user story? I need to know the features under each initiative. I also need the user stories under each feature. (Initiative -> Feature -> User Story). Once this data is in a .CSV I can use Excel to pivot and filter.

Also, I'd prefer not to write code and call the API since this should be an easy set of data to extract.



1 Answers


There are a handful of apps that already do most of this. Custom List, which is already in the app catalog should make it easy to set up lists of features under a specific initiative and stories under a specific feature (or even all stories under features under a specific initiative). You can also export directly from the app.

There is also a community app called Custom Chart that allows for some basic charting and uses the same filtering component as Custom List. You can also export from this app. It is available here: https://github.com/RallyCommunity/CustomChart and is installed using the Custom HTML app.

Does that get you closer?