I have a big Data_Set with SNPs in R like that
OAR19_64675012.1 OAR19_64803054.1 OAR1_88143.1 s09912.1 s36301.1
1 1 2 2 0
1 1 1 0 1
1 1 2 1 2
0 2 2 1 0
> dim(data2)
[1] 501 42844
And I want to use the SNPassoc library in order to do quality control. So i have to do :
mydt<- setupSNP(data2)
as the http://davinci.crg.es/estivill_lab/tools/SNPassoc/SupplementaryMaterial.pdf says.
The output of the previous command is this :
Error in as.data.frame.default(x[[i]], optional = TRUE, stringsAsFactors = stringsAsFactors) :
cannot coerce class ""try-error"" to a data.frame
In addition: Warning message:
In mclapply(data[, colSNPs, drop = FALSE], snp, sep = sep, ...) :
all scheduled cores encountered errors in user code
I've just made a search about this but i can't fix it.... If anyone has any idea about this i would apreciate if she/he post something
Thank you all in advance...
, you'll see whatsetupSNP
is expecting. The supp material you link to makes this clear as well. – emilliman5head(data(SNPs))
yopu said and the output is"SNPs"
. What i have to understand from this thing ?? Can you be more specific ??? – Giorgos K