
I have a web app hosted on Azure that has three slots :

1 - Warmup
2 - Stage
3 - Production

Each slot as a property AlwayOn that is set to True.
I initially deploy the app on the warmup slot and then auto swap it to the stage slot.
Then I want to manually swap from stage to production but I have a warning saying AlwaysOn will be set to False after swap.

Why this setting is not specific to each slot ? Where can I set a property or something that will prevent the swap between two slots with AlwaysOn set to True to set the AlwaysOn in the destination slot to False ?


1 Answers


If both the source and target slots of the swap have 'Always On' enabled, then both slots should continue to have it enabled after that swap.

Have you tried doing the swap to check whether it is preserved?

The warning seems odd. Can you show the details of what it looks like?