I'm struggling to find a way to get the equation for a linear SVM model in the regression case, since most of the questions deal with classification... I have fit it with caret package.
1- univariate case
fit=train(mpg~hp, data=mtcars, method="svmLinear")
plot(x=mtcars$hp, y=predict(fit, mtcars), pch=15)
points(x=mtcars$hp, y=mtcars$mpg, col="red")
abline(lm(mpg~hp, mtcars), col="blue")
Which gives the plot with red=actual, black=fitted, and blue line is classic regression. In this case I know I could manually calculate the SVM prediction line from 2 points, but is there a way to get directly the equation from the model structure? I actually need the equation like this y=a+bx (here mpg=?+?*hp ) with values in the original scale.
same question but with 2 dependent variables (mpg~hp+wt