When starting a new Vue.js Webpack template project from the terminal with the Vue CLI (I did this inside a docker webpack container that I built with Vue CLI installed) using the documented startup commands (found in the repo here: https://github.com/vuejs-templates/webpack) my webpack-dev-server does not detect changes to my files.
$ npm install -g vue-cli
$ vue init webpack my-project
$ cd my-project
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
Once the webpack-dev-server comes up listening on I can access the the server and I see the proper vue project sample rendered in the browser. HOWEVER when I change one of the files, the webpack server compilation status (container command line / logs) does not update and no changes are visible in the browser.
I saw someplace that sometimes webpack will have trouble if a directory it is attempting to monitor has additional characters attached to it but that does not appear to be the case when I do:
$ ls
Previously I had this entire setup working with this exact container and this exact project, so I know it doesn't have to do with running inside of a docker container.
I ran into this issue when attempting to write up the documentation to help our team launch a new project when necessary.