
I have two rows of data looking like this:


I am trying to return all the position numbers for each ID in an array. I have tried


But it fails whenever the ID I am searching for is not the first in column A. (I did try to sort column A with no luck).

So I have come up with this workaround: instead I would use this formula


where positions is a VBA function that return an array of rows that match specified ID. The function positions is coded so that it return a Variant. But it seems that the VBA Array is not passing to the formula in excel. When I evaluate the formula, positions(E2) is equal to 0. (I have checked in VBA, and my array is correctly populated).

So how do I make my formula correctly interpret the VBA array?

UPDATE: Here is my code:

Function positions(idrange As Range) As Variant
Dim V As Variant
Dim l, nb As Integer
Dim id As Double

nb = 4
ReDim V(nb) As Variant

id = idrange.Value
Set cible = Sheet2.Range("B1")
For l = 1 To nb
    Set cible = Sheet2.Columns(2).Find(What:=id, After:=cible, _

    V(l) = cible.Row - 1   
Next l
positions = Application.Transpose(V)

End Function

UPDATE 2: Here is the desired output

enter image description here

Post your VBA code.Gary's Student
So what is the desired output?Scott Craner
@ScottCraner, say I am looking at the first ID. I would like it to return {3,5,7}jeake
Okay next question: What excel are you using?Scott Craner

2 Answers


Put this array formula in F2:


Confirm with Ctrl-Shift-Enter instead of Enter. If done correctly then Excel will put {} around the formula.

Then copy over and down sufficient to cover all the data.

enter image description here


If you can sort the data then you can avoid the array formula and use this normal formula:

=IF(COLUMN(A:A) <= COUNTIF($A:$A,$E2),INDEX($B:$B,MATCH($E2,$A:$A,0)+COLUMN(A:A)-1),"")

enter image description here


Drawing on Is it possible to fill an array with row numbers which match a certain criteria without looping?, you can do this with array and VBA as so:

  1. This line Filter(Application.Transpose(Application.Evaluate("=IF(A2:A100=OFFSET(E2," & lngCnt - 1 & ",0), (B2:B100),""x"")")), "x", False) returns a string of the matching B values

"1","4","7","10" for A2

  1. This line [e2].Offset(lngCnt - 1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(x) + 1) = Split(Join(x, "|"), "|") puts the string to each array


Sub GetEm()

Dim lngCnt As Long
'range of your codes from E2 down
y = [E2:E4]

For lngCnt = 1 To UBound(y)
     x = Filter(Application.Transpose(Application.Evaluate("=IF(A2:A100=OFFSET(E2," & lngCnt - 1 & ",0), (B2:B100),""x"")")), "x", False)
    [e2].Offset(lngCnt - 1, 1).Resize(1, UBound(x) + 1) = Split(Join(x, "|"), "|")
End Sub

enter image description here