
I'm tying to make a simple test custom Alexa Skill, but I'm stuck and I'm not sure what the problem is. Maybe someone more experienced know what I'm missing?

Invocation Name

home system

Intent Schema

  "intents":  [
      "intent": "AMAZON.HelpIntent",
      "slots": []
      "intent": "TestIntent",
      "slots": [
        {"name": "test", "type": "AMAZON.NUMBER"}

Sample Utterances

TestIntent set state {test}
TestIntent add state

I have written my own little python server on my own self hosted server, I already have a working news flash skill on the same system. I have spend plenty of time looking at the documentation, reading tutorials and I looks like I have done what I'm supposed to do.

The result I get is this:

A LaunchRequest works, both in the Service Simulator and on the Echo. It triggers a HTTP POST with the expected JSON, and I get the expected voice reply.

But the IntentRequest only works from the Service Simulator, it never works on the Echo. I say for example "alexa home system set state eight", no requests are made to my server, the echo just makes a sound and that's all.

I have no idea how to debug this, the skill is a US skill and my Echo is in US mode. I have tried to set the endpoint in both Europe and North America. Tried different trigger words, different slots, no slots ... and I have of course checked under Settings -> History to make sure that the device understood me correctly.

Any idea what to try next? How to debug this?

Does it work on echosim.io ? , also why not to use a lambda server?u.gen
@u.gen echosim.io simulates my echo perfectly, same problem. It sounded a lot simpler and quicker to just host it my self. But that's something to try. What confuses me most is that the LaunchRequest works, but a IntentRequest do not even trigger a response nor a request to my server.nsg
Try to setup a local dev environment with this tool github.com/bespoken/bst and use lambdas, that should give you a pretty good idea why your request is not making thru. docs.bespoken.tools/en/latest/tutorials/tutorial_lambda_nodejsu.gen
and also maybe share your index.js or wherever your intent isu.gen

1 Answers


I found the problem, it was a classic PEBCAK (Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard) problem.

I had missed that I had to be much more precise how to invoke an intent (a single sentence that contains both the trigger word and intent in one go). A example of valid and working examples are:

Alexa, ask home system to set state nine
Alexa, set state twelve using home system
Alexa, tell home system set state one

I realised this when I used the alternative 2-step invoking, and realized that it worked. It had to be the way I invoked the skill, not the backend:

Alexa, open home system
(Alexa responds, and listens for the command)
Set state to eight
(Intent triggered, Alexa responds)
  • The first request above is the LaunchRequest
  • The LaunchRequest responds with shouldEndSession: false, if not the session will end. That's maps to question(...) in my code.

There are plenty of more ways to trigger the skills, a full list see this page: https://developer.amazon.com/public/solutions/alexa/alexa-skills-kit/docs/supported-phrases-to-begin-a-conversation (scroll down to the tables)

Finally thank you u-gen for the feedback, bst was a interesting project (never tried it), guess it can be really useful if you uses a hosted solution like lambda. But thanks to the docs I found flask-ask, a project that simplified my code.

Finally, the python part of my test project if someone else like to try it out.

#!/usr/bin/env python

from flask import Flask, render_template
from flask_ask import Ask
from flask_ask import statement, question, convert_errors

app = Flask(__name__)
ask = Ask(app, '/ask/')

def hello_world():
    return 'Hello, World!'

def launched():
    return question('Welcome to Foo')

def hello():
    return statement('Hello, world')

def session_ended():
    return "", 200

if __name__ == '__main__':
    app.run(debug=True, host="", threaded=True)