I'm going around in circles with this and have tried as many different options as I can think of - VLOOKUP, INDEX/MATCH, IF etc... but I'm failing everytime.
I need to create a drop down list in sheet 3 (column A) that gets populated with values in column B of sheet 2, only where the value in column G of sheet 2 is "Yes". The values in sheet 2 look as follows:
This is what is shown at present:
I am using the following formula within Name Manager to get to this point:
and although this works, it's not quite as I need it to be. I've tried using Index/Match, small, VLOOKUP etc... but Excel reports that either I've too few arguments or can't reference a worksheet.
I've literally been though as many excel websites as I can find but no one seems to cover creating drop down lists where the drop down is dependent on a specific selection.
The values within sheet 2, column B are obtained from a hidden sheet and collected using the following query:
I wondered whether I could take this query and use it to generate the drop down list, something along the lines of:
but this returns an error. The closest I got was using the OFFSET formula above but performing a COUNTIF, however; this unsurprisingly wouldn't tie Column B to the corresponding 'Yes' in column G.
Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can get this working?