
I created a table containing locations along with their spatial coordinates expressed in (latitude, longitude (in degrees)) in postgres. Commands which I used for the same are:

I inserted spatial coordinates as (longitude, latitude) in postgres

I created a table containing locations along with their spatial coordinates expressed in (latitude, longitude (in degrees)) in postgres. Commands which I used for the same are:

CREATE TABLE spatialTest(
  name character varying(100),
  the_geo geography
\copy spatialTest(name,the_geo) FROM 'testSpatial.csv' DELIMITERS E'\t' CSV;

testSpatial.csv contains the following values:

A   SRID=4326;POLYGON((0.178773 -127.681841,0.178711 -127.681962,0.179125 -127.682083,0.179176 -127.682006,0.179153 -127.681986,0.179143 -127.681962,0.179147 -127.681935,0.179166 -127.681913,0.179195 -127.681897,0.179244 -127.681886,0.179284 -127.681887,0.179336 -127.681904,0.179464 -127.681757,0.179489 -127.681736,0.179429 -127.681680,0.179370 -127.681516,0.179221 -127.681331,0.179184 -127.681185,0.179051 -127.681264,0.178822 -127.681499,0.178761 -127.681698,0.178796 -127.681703,0.178839 -127.681721,0.178857 -127.681736,0.178861 -127.681740,0.178871 -127.681756,0.178873 -127.681782,0.178859 -127.681809,0.178843 -127.681825,0.178812 -127.681839,0.178773 -127.681841))
B   SRID=4326;POINT(0.628912 -127.700922)

Now I want to find all spatial locations which are within a distance of 50 km of each other. For doing so I used the following command:

select s1.name, s2.name  from spatialTest s1, 
     spatialTest s2  where ST_DWithin(s1.the_geo, s2.the_geo, 50000);

However, to my surprise I found that although A and B are separated from each other by a distance greater than 50 km (50.0995 km to be precise. Found using Chris Veness's geodesy formulae​ (Calculate distance between a point and a line segment in latitude and longitude)), yet they are returned by postgres as results. Can someone please help me figure out as to where am I going wrong.

I am using PostgreSQL 9.6devel and Postgis version which I am using is: POSTGIS="2.2.1 r14555"

You got an answer for that on the Postgres "Bugs" mailing list: "I think you need to ask about that on the Postgis mailing lists, not here" - did you do that? And why aren't you using a proper Postgres release?a_horse_with_no_name
Your code and sample data return a error by me: ERROR: parse error - invalid geometry HINT: "SRID=4326;POINT(0.628912,-" <-- parse error at position 26 within geometry. Please add correct data and code examplesTom-db
"spatial coordinates expressed in (latitude, longitude (in degrees)) in postgres" I think you need to pass arguments in longitude, latitude order. That is, first arg is longitude, not latitude. Could this be all or part of your problem?Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall'
you should post it on the PostGIS mailing list, not the Postgres mailing lista_horse_with_no_name
Your coordinates are invalid lon/lat coordinates. Maybe are they in the reversed order? COPY returns this warning: NOTICE: Coordinate values were coerced into range [-180 -90, 180 90] for GEOGRAPHY Tom-db

1 Answers


As others have said, you're getting this on load..

NOTICE:  Coordinate values were coerced into range [-180 -90, 180 90] for GEOGRAPHY
CONTEXT:  COPY spatialtest, line 2, column the_geo: "SRID=4326;POINT(0.628912 -127.700922)"

Likely, you're trying to load (lat,long), and PostgreSQL expects (long,lat). However we can work around the ordering of your input column. All we have to do is,

  1. Create a temp table asgeometry`.

    CREATE TEMP TABLE foo(name text, the_geo geometry);
  2. Chop off the SRID bit (EKWT) losing the SRID on import.

    sed -i -e's/SRID=4326;//' ./foo.csv
  3. Load the input.

    \copy foo(name,the_geo) FROM 'foo.csv' DELIMITERS E'\t' CSV;
  4. Reorder the points.
  5. Copy into main table.

    INSERT INTO spatialTest(name, the_geo)
          ST_MakePoint(st_y(geom), st_x(geom))
    FROM foo
    CROSS JOIN ST_DumpPoints(foo.the_geo) AS t
    GROUP BY name
    ORDER BY name;

As a side note: don't use varchar for name. Just leave it as TEXT. Unless you have a good reason to impose a character limit.

Then run your distance..

SELECT ST_Distance(
  (SELECT the_geo FROM spatialtest WHERE name='A'), (SELECT the_geo FROM spatialtest WHERE name='B')
(1 row)