Over Christmas I changed our web application (MVC,EF6, SQL Azure) to use a connectionstring setting from Azure's web application property settings rather than in the web.config. This was to serve 2 purposes:
1) More secure
2) Help prevent accidental repointing of apps to incorrect DB.
Since doing this I have discovered 40% of our connections are failing. Now this might be co-incidental with an Azure issue, as when doing this on another SQL Azure server I use, I could not repeat this.
The ConnectionString data that I have entered into Azure is:
Data Source=tcp:live1-server.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=Live-DB;User ID=user@live1-server;Password=12345
metadata=res://AppNamespace/app.csdl|res://AppNamespace/app.ssdl|res://AppNamespace/app.msl;provider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string="Data Source=tcp:live1-server.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=Live-DB;User ID=user@live1-server;Password=12345"
Data Source=tcp:live2-server.database.windows.net,1433;Initial Catalog=ElmahDB;User [email protected];Password=9999
I have changed pertinant details for obvious security reasons.
So my question:
1) Has anyone experienced failed connections when using Azure to store Connection Strings for Web Apps.
2) Do my details look correct. I assume they do, since the application will connect, but not all of the time.
This issue may be co-incidental, but to have a "failing connection" issue on a Azure DB Server from the 23rd until now seems a long time if it is caused by an Azure infrastructural issue.
Thanks in advance.
I have analysed the event_log via:
[Date From] = EL.[start_time],
[Date To] = EL.[end_time],
[Database Name] = EL.[database_name],
[Event Type] = EL.[event_type],
[Event Sub Type] = EL.[event_subtype_desc],
[Description] = EL.[description],
[Additional Data] = EL.additional_data
FROM sys.event_log EL
WHERE EL.event_type != 'connection_successful'
AND EL.event_subtype_desc != 'idle_connection_timeout'
I notice that I am getting a lot of "login_failed_for_user" errors here although my web app seems to work fine, although more slowly. These errors started after I changed the SQL Azure password using the Azure Portal. I cannot tell from the "event_log" what is causing these failures. All the scheduled processes work fine and anyway these are only overnight. I am getting these errors every 5 mins or so. The new password is much stronger ie 20 characters and random. Would this be causing SQL Azure a problem. The intermittent nature of this error is strange.
DMV and know causes for failures,by correlating timestamps with failed time stamps – TheGameiswar