I'm using Python (2.7) and working within Google's DataFlow environment, needless to say, Google hasn't fully flushed everything out yet, and documentation is not quite sufficient just yet. However, the portion for writing from Dataflow to BigQuery is documented here BigQuery Sink.
According to the documentation, in order to specify the schema, you need to input a string:
schema = 'field_1:STRING, field_2:STRING, field_3:STRING, created_at:TIMESTAMP, updated_at:TIMESTAMP, field_4:STRING, field_5:STRING'
The table name, project ID and dataset ID are like this: 'example_project_id:example_dataset_id.example_table_name'
Now, all of that is working. See the code below, but from what I can see, it is successfully creating the table and the fields. Note: The project ID is set as a part of the arguments for the function.
bq_data | beam.io.Write(
"Write to BQ", beam.io.BigQuerySink(
Now, it looks like I can get things inserting by using this:
bq_data = pipeline | beam.Create(
'field_1': 'ExampleIdentifier',
'field_2': 'ExampleValue',
'field_3': 'ExampleFieldValue',
'created_at': '2016-12-26T05:50:39Z',
'updated_at': '2016-12-26T05:50:39Z',
'field_4': 'ExampleDataIdentifier',
'field_5: 'ExampleData'
But for some reason, when packing values into a PCollection, it says that it inserts into BigQuery, but when I query the table, it shows nothing.
Why isn't it inserting? I don't see any errors, yet nothing is inserting to BigQuery.
This is what the data looks like that is contained in the PCollection, I have close to 1,100 rows to insert:
{'field_1': 'ExampleIdentifier', 'field_2': 'ExampleValue', 'field_3': 'ExampleFieldValue', 'created_at': '2016-12-29 12:10:32', 'updated_at': '2016-12-29 12:10:32', 'field_4': 'ExampleDataIdentifier', 'field_5': 'ExampleData'}
Note: I checked into the date formatting, and the date formatting above is allowed for BigQuery insertion.