As I am such a beginner at using Access/VBA I couldn't tell if my query had already been addressed in another forum, so I apologise if it had.
I am trying to populate a subform using the values from the combo boxes on the main form. I am hoping that when I select a student in the combo box and then a following module in the other combobox and click 'Add Module' it will add the module to the subform and show all modules chosen for that student in the bottom subform. I followed a video to obtain the code I currently have and this is displayed below along with a screenshot of my current layout (excuse design features these haven't even begun to be considered yet).
Please note: The code is definitely incorrect for the docmd, I am unsure what to use in order to populate the subform so it will display the selected student and all modules chosen.
Code -
'combo box for StudentID updates all other student detail text boxes.
Private Sub studentIDcombo_AfterUpdate()
programmetb = DLookup("ProgrammeID", "tblStudent", "[StudentID]=studentidcombo")
firstnametb = DLookup("FirstName", "tblStudent", "[StudentID]=studentidcombo")
surnametb = DLookup("Surname", "tblStudent", "[StudentID]=studentidcombo")
StudentID1 = studentIDcombo
End Sub
'combo box for ModuleCode updates all other module detail text boxes.
Private Sub modulecodecombo_AfterUpdate()
modulenametb = DLookup("ModuleName", "tblModule", "[ModuleCode]=modulecodecombo")
creditstb = DLookup("Credits", "tblModule", "[ModuleCode]=modulecodecombo")
semester1tb = DLookup("Semester_1", "tblModule", "[ModuleCode]=modulecodecombo")
semester2tb = DLookup("Semester_2", "tblModule", "[ModuleCode]=modulecodecombo")
prereqtb = DLookup("Pre_requisites", "tblModule", "[ModuleCode]=modulecodecombo")
End Sub
Private Sub AddModuleBut_Click()
'Verification that studentID is selected.
If IsNull(studentIDcombo) Then
MsgBox "Please select student", , "Required"
Exit Sub
End If
'Verification that modulecode is selected.
If IsNull(modulecodecombo) Then
MsgBox "Please select a course", , "Required"
Exit Sub
'Else create a record in the subform using the combo box data.
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
StudentID1 = studentIDcombo
End If
End Sub
Extra information:
After I am able to add modules for specific students I will begin coding conditions, such as you can only choose module A if you have done module B previously etc etc. Will this be possible to achieve with this current layout?
I will be making a student form to add students to and then they will add modules on this form.
Thanks in advance for any help and I hope this makes sense!
Best Regards, <3