
I am looking for a code to loop through a named range cells values if they are greater than 9 in sheet1. if the Cells value(>9) is found pass that cell value to sheet2 as calculated value

The format is like: Sheet2.Range(name).Cells.value = Sheet1.Range(name).Cells.value

Currently i managed to check those values in sheet1 and it works.

I am failing to assign the value in sheet2 cellTarget looping


Dim rngSource As Range, cellSource As Range
Dim rngTagert As Range, cellTarget As Range

Set rngSource = Range("SourceRange") 'Sheet1
Set rngTagert = Range("TargetRange") 'Sheet2

For Each cellSource In rngSource
    If cellSource.Value >= 9 Then
        For Each cellTarget In rngTagert
            cellTarget.Value = cellSource.Value - 9
        Next cellTarget
        cellTarget.Value = cellTarget.Value
    End If
Next cellSource

Error says "Invalid Next Control Variable Reference"

Many Thanks

if you will try to indent your code properly, you'll find you have One For Each cellSource In rngSource and Two Next cellShai Rado

1 Answers



  • either susbtitute

    first Next cell with Next cellTarget

    second Next cell with Next cellSource

  • or just substitute each Next cell with Next

what follows is the second option:

Sub main()
    Dim rngSource As Range, cellSource As Range
    Dim rngTagert As Range, cellTarget As Range

    Set rngSource = Range("SourceRange") 'Sheet1
    Set rngTagert = Range("TargetRange") 'Sheet2

    For Each cellSource In rngSource
        If cellSource.value >= 9 Then
            For Each cellTarget In rngTagert
                cellTarget.value = cellSource.value - 9 'Sheet2 Cell.Value = Sheet1 Cell.Value -9
            cellSource.value = cellSource.value 'Sheet1 cellTarget.Value = cellTarget.Value 'Sheet2
        End If
End Sub