
Routs Strategy:

export const routes = [
    path       : 'rto-activation/:id',
    component  : RtoActivationComponent,
    resolve  : {
        'singleRto': SingleRtoResolve
    children   : [
        {path: 'start', component: ActivationStartComponent},
        {path: 'warning', component: WarningComponent},
        {path: 'confirm', component: ConfirmRtoDetailsComponent},
        {path: 'ldWaiver', component: LDWaiverComponent},
        {path: 'payment-schedule', component: PaymentScheduleComponent},
        {path: 'user-reference', component: ReferenceComponent}



constructor(private router: Router,
            private route: ActivatedRoute) {

resolve() {
    var self = this;
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        self.subscription = self.route.params.subscribe(
            (param: any) => {
                let id = param[ 'id' ];
               self.rtoService.getRto(null, +id)
                .then((res: any) => {


I Know: We usually get params from ActivatedRoute service.

Question: Can i get params from Router service.

Brief: Trying to get route params on Resolve Injectable because on that stage route is not actived and i am unable to get params.

Usecase: When a user opens any child routes(implicity and explicitly)with some (:id) so data should be resolved in parent routes.

Get Params successfully when route is actived in any child component:

ngOnInit() {
let self          = this;
this.subscription = this.route.params.subscribe(
    (param: any) => {
        let id = param[ 'id' ];
        self.rtoService.getRto(null, +id)
            .then((res: any) => {



2 Answers


Your SingleRtoResolve should implements Resolve<T>. Then you'll just need your data service (RtoServicei guess) in your constructor() {}. No need for the Router or the ActivatedRoute here since your resolve() will get a ActivatedRouteSnapshot and a RouterStateSnapshot. So the resolve() will look smth like that:

    route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot, state: RouterStateSnapshot
  ): Promise<any> {
    return ...

..and you can just use route.params['id']to get your id.

Edit: You can also check the docs for the Resolve


We need to pass dependence in resolver method instead of constructor

  resolve(route: ActivatedRouteSnapshot) {

    console.log(route.params);// you can see the log and use it

    return this.apiService.getItems(route.params.params1).catch(() => {
       return Observable.empty();