
This is the fiddle.

For some reason, the colors of some groups do not match the value of size.

For instance, I checked "name":"flare.analytics.cluster.AgglomerativeCluster","size"‌​:3938. In the drawing it's marked in "pink-red" color which corresponds to the legend > 5000 (scroll right to see the legend). According to my understanding it should be marked in the color of the legend 2000.


1 Answers


For some reason, the colors of some groups do not match the value of size.

Well, the explanation is simple: you're not using size as the variable to paint your links. Instead of that, you're using the length of the imports array inside each node:

.style("stroke", function(d){
    return colorScale(d.target.imports.length)

And this is your domain:

[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]

Besides that, you're colouring by the length of the importarray of the target, not by the length of the import array of the node itself.