I want SQL query to get the dates automatically,
Please Note: year should always start on the Last Sunday of January.
I want a SQL query for below example; assume current date is '2017-01-01'
SQL should pick these dates:
Between '2016-01-31' and '2016-12-31'
(between 'Start of the Year (Last Sunday of January Month)' and 'Last day (Saturday) of previous week')
I have this query:
When DatePart(w, DateAdd(d, 30, DATEADD(y, - DatePart(y, GetDate()) + 1, GetDate()))) = 1
Then DateAdd(d, 30, DATEADD(y, - DatePart(y, GetDate()) + 1, convert(date, GetDate())))
Else DateAdd(d, 7 - DatePart(w, DateAdd(d, 30, DATEADD(y, - DatePart(y, GetDate()) + 1, GetDate()))) + 1, DateAdd(d, 30, DATEADD(y, - DatePart(y, GetDate()) + 1, convert(date, GetDate())))
convert(date, dateadd(wk, datediff(wk, 0, getdate()) - 1, 0) + 5)
The above query is returning wrong results:
Example 1: Wrong
Assume current date is '2017-01-01', the SQL query returns these dates:
Between '2017-02-05' and '2016-12-31'
which are wrong.
Example 2: Correct
Assume current date is '2017-02-12', then the SQL query returns these dates:
Between '2017-02-05' and '2017-02-11'
which are the correct dates - OK.
The problem is always when the current date is in January
How to fix example 1 please? Any updated SQL query?