
I was trying to expose my C++ class through Rcpp by building a package. It seems that module is not allowed in RStudio auto-generated template. For example, if we compare the NAMESPACE file generated by Rcpp.package.skeleton(myPackage, module=TRUE) and by RStudio, importFrom(Rcpp, loadModule) is not in the RStudio NAMESPACE file. Did I miss something? How can I enable RStudio to generate module allowed package template?

Here is a minimal example to show my C++ codes in case someone would like to try it in RStudio

class Student{
  double age;
  double GPA;
  Student(double age_, double GPA_):age(age_),GPA(GPA_){}

  double sum(double x, double myGPA){
    GPA = myGPA;
    return GPA + x;
  double times(double x, double myage){
    age = myage;
    return age*GPA*x;

  .constructor<double, double>()
  .method("sum", &Student::sum)

2 Answers


In very, very short: No. Or maybe "sort of; not completely".

A bit more expanded: The auto-package stub creates a working basic Rcpp package. But eg not an RcppArmadillo package (and this has bitten people before).

And we do include a complete example for Rcpp Modules in the package in this directory (which is used by the unit tests) so you may have to do a few steps by hand if you go that route.

You can also try the helper function Rcpp.package.skeleton() with the option module=TRUE which the other formal option.

So in sum you cannot reasonably expect the RStudio GUI to support every available permutation.


Simply put, RStudio is limited in generating Rcpp project types for this version (1.0). Per a PR, custom package templates are incoming!

To get around this limitation, try the following:

  1. Close all open projects.
  2. Run the following: Rcpp.package.skeleton("myPackage", module=TRUE)
  3. New Project -> From Existing Directory or use devtools::use_rstudio() to generate the .Rproj.

Edit 1

Per the comment, what really is happening is two fold:

First, the module definition needs to be updated to be:

#include <Rcpp.h>

class Student{
    double age;
    double GPA;
    Student(double age_, double GPA_):age(age_),GPA(GPA_){}

    double sum(double x, double myGPA){
        GPA = myGPA;
        return GPA + x;
    double times(double x, double myage){
        age = myage;
        return age*GPA*x;

    using namespace Rcpp ; // Added (if not done globally)

    .constructor<double, double>()
    .method("sum", &Student::sum, "Sum")      // Add some documentation (optional)
    .method("times",&Student::times, "Times");

Next, in some R code file add:

loadModule("my_module", TRUE)

Build and Reload

Then, you have:

s <- new( Student, 1, 2 )
# [1] 6
# [1] 120