
I have a node based sample rest based application in Nodejs which is accessible by the url http://localhost:8288/api/users. I have configured APIM and I was able to hit some sample services like https://www.googleapis.com/books/v1/volumes?q=isbn:0747532699 and get the response back.

But when I try to hit my localhost rest service via API Manager using API Console, I am getting Response Body no content Response Code 0 Response Headers{ "error": "no response from server" }

I have no error in the logs.But Neither call is reaching the backend rest service. Should i make some changes to access my localhost urls in API Manager.This API Manager installation and rest service is in the same machine. Please help.


1 Answers


This can happen if the browser does not trust the certificate of the APIM endpoint. Ideally what should happen is that you should install APIM certificate in your browser.

As a workaround, you can tell the browser to accept the certificate. For that, copy API URL to a new browser tab and accept the certificate.

Then try again in API console. It should work.