
As mentioned in Hackage for Applicative Functors, they are strong lax monoidal functors. So why doesn't their definition in Haskell show it like so :

class Functor f => MonoidalApplicative f where
  mult :: f a -> f b -> f (a,b)
  unit :: a -> f a 

  starAp :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
  starAp h x = fmap (uncurry ($)) (mult h x)

<*> (starAp) is easily reconstructed in terms of the multiplication and this definition looks simpler to me. For exemple, here is the Maybe instance :

instance MonoidalApplicative Maybe where
  mult (Just x) (Just y) = Just (x,y)
  mult _ _ = Nothing

  unit x = Just x
The (<*>) presentation tends to be more convenient in day-to-day programming, even though the mult one is indeed neater in some aspects (e.g. the applicative laws look nicer when expressed in its terms). This scenario is similar to the relationship betweeen (>>=) and join. Relevant blog post: blog.ezyang.com/2012/08/applicative-functorsduplode
Note: the monoidal presentation usually has unit :: f (). pure, then, can be recovered through pure x = fmap (const x) unit.duplode
Almost always the standard mathematical notation/convention is better (that is, more efficient) for proving things, but not necessarily so for programming.mnish

1 Answers


As it was mentioned in comments to your answer, there is similar story with join and >>=. When there're several semantically equivalent ways to define something it's better always to choose most efficient & pragmatic way. Haskell was designed to write code, not to prove things (though, somehow Haskell haven't still become very popular programming language unfortunately).

If starAp had default implementation almost nobody would implement it (just as it happens now with >> in Monad type class). But <*> is extremely useful operation. It is used in applicate & monadic parsers a lot (megaparsec, attoparsec, optparse-applicative) and I can't imagine my life w/o liftA* for joining things. And it is very important for this operation to be as efficient as possible. Implementing starAp as fmap (uncurry ($)) (mult h x) may bring hard times to inlining and optimizing things for compiler.

Moreover, representation of Applicative using mult and unit operations doesn't really solves any problems. Obviously, mult = liftA2 (,). But your implementation with

mult (Just x) (Just y) = Just (x,y)

not fully correct. Because your implementation is not lazy enough. You will evaluate both cases when it may be enough to evaluate only one. So you still can mess up even with this simple function. Thus this representation is strictly worse.