we are in the process of converting current spring project into spring boot and at the same time converting all spring beans from xml to java config based.
i am stuck converting camel xml configuration into java based config.
currently we are specified camel config , routes and endpoints , one example as below
<camel:camelContext id="camelClient">
<camel:template id="camelTemplate"/>
<template id="camelTemplate"/>
here are couple of endpoints
<endpoint id="archiveUserQueue"
<endpoint id="directSmsNotification" uri="direct:sendSMS"/>
one of the routes defined
<from ref="directSmsNotification"/>
<to uri="bean:messengerService?method=sendSmsMessage"/>
in java code we access the end point as below
smsEndpoint = _camelContext.getEndpoint("directSmsNotification");
how can we convert the camel config from xml to java based config.
i have followed instructions specified at http://camel.apache.org/spring-java-config.html but it was too hard to understand as i am not familiar with Camel.