I cannot figure out how to set this up properly using vue-router
with vue.js 2.x
I want App.vue to be a main site layout module which contains basic site level things like footer, logo, main nav, etc.
A route based architecture which will load components based on the route inside this App.vue
ie: /things
to show list and /things/:id
to show individual item
I'm using the webpack template from vue-cli
I'm confused about main.js vs. App.vue should I be moving the routes out of main.js into App.vue?
Can someone link to a simple hello world using layouts in vue-router?
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App'
import Items from './components/Items'
import Item from './components/Item'
import Axios from 'axios'
import VueRouter from 'vue-router'
Vue.prototype.$http = Axios
const routers = new VueRouter([
{ path: '/items/:id', component: Item },
{ path: '/', component: Items }
// how to specify App.vue as a layout?
new Vue({