
Trying to install Spark Laravel 3 I realized that my current laravel installer was version 1.3.3. Laravel Spark request version 1.3.4. several procedures were made in order to use version 1.3.4.

  • update composer
  • erase laravel installer from ~/.composer/vendor/bin etc.

no matter what I do, it seems that the installer is loaded and used from some cache. consequently an old version 1.3.3 is installed.

Running composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.3.4" version 1.3.4 is installed. running laravel -V says 1.3.4 but then when I install in


and run laravel -V it says 1.3.3


following bagus-tesa advise i used composer global remove laravel/installer with success.

Im confused, because despite in ~/.composer/bin calling laravel -V displays 1.3.4 when I install laravel spark it always install laravel version 5.2 instead of version laravel 5.3

anyone knows if spark laravel has a place in configuration to force installing laravel 5.3 version? brgds

never tried myself, but composer global remove might be work.Bagus Tesa

1 Answers



composer global require "laravel/installer=~1.3.4"


composer global remove laravel/installer

laravel installer is just an alternative way to create laravel project. I have not find it so useful in my opinion.

You can do the same thing using composer:

composer create-project laravel/laravel=5.3.0 projectName --prefer-dist

If it does not work, make sure you have the minimum PHP version required for the chosen laravel version