I'm using omnicat-bayes
to analyse documents (text-classification). With this gem I'm able to create categories and "feed" those with documents. Currently the categories have enough documents in order to be "good enough" to recognize new documents in what category they should be placed in.
Now in my Documents controller under the create action are a few steps.
- Creating a new Bayes instance
- Creating the categories that will be used
- Taking the pre-documents to train the categories
- Actually training the categories
(all of those steps are under the run_all
The create action:
def create
@document = Document.new(document_params)
@document.case_id = @case.id
if @document.save
# Running the classify function on reden aanmelding
classify_one = @bayes.classify(@document.reden_aanmelding)
document_category = classify_one.to_hash[:top_score_key]
# Updating the document category by the top key returned by Bayes
@document.update_attribute(:category, document_category)
# Training Cees Buddy with the document that got saved
@bayes.train(document_category, @document.reden_aanmelding)
redirect_to case_path(@case)
render :new
Inside the @document.save
run_all function (I know this isn't really best practice) I'm creating the four steps named above.
Now after the create function is finished the Bayes instance is gone and the AI is now "stupid" again so to speak.
My question is: what would a proper place be and how can I accomplish this to create the new instance, new categories and feed them with documents out of my database. Would a singleton
be interesting here?