
I'm trying to enter the following formula to a range of cells within a macro

=INDEX('[Rest Days.xlsx]Sheet1'!$B$3:$B$26,MATCH("*"&A6&"*",'[Rest Days.xlsx]Sheet1'!$E$3:$E$26,0))

I keep getting a type mismatch error, I think it's something to do with the "" around the &A6" but can't quite figure it out, Can anyone help me please?

"" is just an empty string. If you want to add an actual quote, then you need to use it four times: """". (start and beginning of text, second instance as escape character and third one is the actual quote character.Máté Juhász
Please post the code as is, because we cannot know how you inserted the above formula in VBA code, and the problem might be there.A.S.H
Range("G5:G14").Formula = "=INDEX(Nights!$B$2:$B$23,MATCH("" * ""&A5&"" * "",Nights!$E$2:$E$24,0))"user3598756
Thanks for the advice, Range("G5:G14").Formula = "=INDEX(Nights!$B$2:$B$23,MATCH("" * ""&A5&"" * "",Nights!$E$2:$E$24,0))" this stops the runtime error but is returning a #NA instead of the result it should.Sherbetdab
well, that has to do with your data! you may want to make a new post and explain /show the necessary details to have people help you outuser3598756

1 Answers


I've managed to get it working.

Range("G5:G14").Formula = "=INDEX(Nights!$B$2:$B$23,MATCH("" * ""&A5&"" * "",Nights!$E$2:$E$24,0))" 

was suggested but was returning a #NA error.

The #NA was due to the space either side of the * within the quotes.

Range("G5:G14").Formula = "=INDEX(Nights!$B$2:$B$23,MATCH(""*""&A5&""*"",Nights!$E$2:$E$24,0))" 

was the line of code that worked for me.

Thank You.