
I hit a hard block when using hive table. when using hive table. when using DESCRIBE FORMATTED tbl_name, I can see the location: hdfs path. when running query, there are some records return. when I run create table new_table as select * from tbl_name. the table can created, but not data. where check hdfs using hdfs dfs -ls /table directory, it return "no such file or directory".

anybody has any idea about this?

thanks in advance.

Check if your previous table has data or not ?Sandeep Singh
Side note: SHOW CREATE TABLE is way more readable that DESCRIBE...Samson Scharfrichter

1 Answers


You can see $HIVE_HOME/conf directory there is the hive-default.xml and/or hive-site.xml which has the hive.metastore.warehouse.dir property.

for example if it is /usr/hive/warehouse.

hadoop fs -ls -R /usr/hive/warehouse/*

still if you are not able to find then

hadoop fs -ls -R | grep hive or your table name.

then you could able to see that.