I downloaded the Carrot2 Document clustering server build 3.15.0 for Mac. The read me file says:
The DCS requires a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.7.0 or later. To run the DCS, execute the 'dcs' script and point your browser at http://localhost:8080 for further instructions.
Mac OS Sierra doesn't make it easy, but I got 1.8.0_112 installed.
The problem is that I don't know how to execute the 'dcs' script.
There are .cmd, .sh, .war, and .jar files. I wasn't sure which of those to work with. I thought .jar looked promising, so I followed some of this thread and tried this in a terminal window:
java -jar invoker.jar
I cd-ed to the correct directory, but it just says Provide main class
, but I'm not sure what or where that is.
Can anybody provide instructions or a link to how to do this?